How a Level 1 Trauma Center Did a 180 Turnaround in Patient Experience
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Dr. Bahareh Aslani, MD from Inova Fairfax Hospital shares the steps her ED practice took to quickly boost Inova Fairfax Hospital’s HCAHPS and reduce 72-hour returns. She’ll explain how their partnership with HealthTalk A.I. has created new opportunities and positively impacted their patients, providers, and bottom line.
HealthTalk A.I. has helped us for more than a year with scheduling physician follow up based on quality issues post discharge. They are now helping us automate, schedule, and deliver Telehealth.

Dr. Bahareh Aslani, MD
Emergency Medicine Physician
Inova Fairfax Hospital
Learn how a Level 1 Trauma Center, operating within a Metro DC hospital, used HealthTalk A.I. to quickly boost their HCAHPS scores and reduce 72-hour returns.
The steps your practice can take to quickly boost your PX/HCAHPS scores
The importance of identifying real-time coachable moments for your clinical staff
Innovative strategies for closing the loop with at-risk patients and improving your ED follow-up process
How to create a new revenue stream and reduce 72-hour returns with AI-scheduled Telehealth follow up
Emergency Medicine & Hospital leadership
Patient Experience roles
Operation and IT roles
Quality improvement roles
Executives concerned with patient retention and preventing unnecessary returns